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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Some Shout Outs

I want to take this opportunity to thank the people who made this experience something less than the living hell it could have been. 

My wife, Denise, who was there for me every day, even taking a lot of time off from work.  As previously mentioned, she was the one who found a way to soothe my dry, ventilator-abused throat after I came out of surgery, when the nurse couldn't be bothered.  She also brought me clothes, snacks, and soft drinks, little touches that made it all more bearable.  I don't know what I would have done without her.

My stepdaugther, Kim, who also took some time off work to be there for me. 

My mom, who has gone through more hell in hospitals than I can imagine, and is not as mobile as she used to be because of it, but still made the effort to visit. 

My dad, who flew back from El Paso in time for the surgery, and brought me new books and his old laptop to help me pass the time. 

My younger stepdaughter Amanda, and her husband John. 

My good friends and family-by-choice Kitty and David. 

The unnamed maintenance man, who managed to get the TV controls working in the ICU. 

Carrie, April, Glenda, and all the other nurses (with one notable exception mentioned earlier) and CNA's who took care of me with warmth and compassion.  (Even the ones that kept waking me up every couple of hours to take my vitals.)

If I have forgotten anyone, please forgive me, I wasn't exactly at my best that week.  Feel free to call me out on my forgetfulness in the comment section. 

1 comment:

Denise said...

Cant forget your eldest step daughter Kelli, who drove in to sit with me while you were in surgery. And checked up on your condition often.